- Adoption Mosaic, located in Portland, OR, supports the entire adoptive family by offering a wealth of workshops and programs, resources at their website at adoptionmosaic.com and a quarterly magazine, The Adoption Constellation.
- Based in Texas, Empowered to Connect’s adoption work is rooted in Christian philosophy. They promote adoption ministries and support adoptive parents in their journey with practical tools and resources. See www.empoweredtoconnect.org.
- As a Coloradan agency, A Family in Bloom Adoption has personal experience with Heritage Camps for Adoptive Families a www.heritagecamps.org . The organization has been going strong for 20 years providing summer heritage camps for adoptees and their families. There are now ten different cultural camps representing most regions of the world including a domestic adoption program.
- National Council of Adoption is at www.adoptioncouncil.org. Their mantra is adoption advocacy and assistance in diverse ways including education, research legislative action, and collaboration.
- The U.S. Department of State is your friend in international adoption matters with their user friendly website at travel.state.gov. Here one can keep abreast of developments and regulations internationally as they affect adoptions by country.
shown a flower
the small baby
opens its mouth
— Seifu-Ni (1731-1814), one of the greatest
traditional Japanese woman haiku poets
the small baby
opens its mouth
— Seifu-Ni (1731-1814), one of the greatest
traditional Japanese woman haiku poets